Enoshima Cycling Trip

I decided to take advantage of the three day weeend to ride to Enoshima. Enoshima is not super far away, and therefore not a serious challenge, but at around 4 hours it's also not your routine bike ride either. Technically you could wake up in the morning, ride from Tokyo to Enoshima, and then ride home, but my behind desn't have the endurance to handle 8 hours, even if my legs do. Just to make things more fun, there is also the whole typhoon thing. I don't mind cycling in a little rain if I have the right clothes and a waterproog bag - but I don't really want to ride in the middle of a typhoon and be sopping wet. I decided to leave last night around 10pm to get a bit of a head start, so I left home and headed to Kamata. Kamata is about 18km from my house, and it took me about 44 minutes. That's actually pretty good time, but there is usually less traffic at night. Here we are at the station. There were random salar...