Atami Trip - Part 6 (Machida to Suginami)

 I woke up relatively early yesterday and headed out some time around 8:00.  I chose to take the roads most of the way, with a little bit of cycling along streams and rivers thrown in.  This was because I was prioritizing getting back home soon, and not so much worrying about the scenery.  This doesn't mean it wasn't nice for part of the trip - but most of it was through semi urban areas.  

Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to have taken the scenic route, just like I would have loved to go all the way to Mishima (Or Nagoya!), but I have other things planned for Winter break, and I was running over budget.

If there's one thing I have learned on this trip, it's that 50km through forests, mountains, and fields is not the same as 50 km of riding on roads in terms of speed or endurance.  Sure, this should be obvious, but it's difficult to quantify until you try it for yourself.  

When you ride 50km in a day in the city, it's easy to think "Oh, I could do this every day", and discount how much longer it will take when going through rough terrain.  Add to that the time restriction of short daylight hours in the Winter, and suddenly things feel a lot more difficult.  Every day I had to weigh resting a bit more, vs. getting back on the road.  

Staying in Net Cafes is a great way to cut costs since it's cheaper than hotels - but it still isn't free.  Likewise, if I am traveling then I am necessarily eating out.  

At the end of the day riding a bicycle is theoretically free, stopping to rest and eat means that in most cases a trip to somewhere like Osaka would actually cost more by bicycle than by bullet train!  Of course where this breakeven happends depends how many hours per day you are prepared to ride, how stingy you are, and various other factors.  


You can see from the navigation data that I did actually follow along Tamagawa River for part of the way, but percentage wise that wasn't much of the journey.  

Return to Atami Trip - Part 5 (Odawara to Machida)

Proceed to Atami Trip - Part 7 (Wrap up)



Yamaha YPJ MT-Pro Pedal Upgrade & Reflective Pedals

Cleaning up light wiring and horn trouble - Part 2

Atami Trip - Part 4 (Atami to Odawara)